Show 103: General Manager of ecomaine Kevin Roche

Show Information

Show: 103
Air date: Saturday, March 8
Guest: Kevin Roche
Host: Steve Woods (Stevoe)
Studio Contributor Debi Davis
Executive Producer: Shannon Maguire

The General Manager of ecomaine, Kevin Roche is a 1989 graduate of the University of Buffalo.  Here he received a bachelor of science degree in geography and urban planning.  Roche described for Stevoe his first job in the waste management industry mapping garbage routes for the city of Rochester, New York using the predecessor to Google Maps.

Kevin Roche

TideSmart Talk with Stevoe Steve Woods (left) talked Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with the General Manager of ecomaine Kevin Roche (right).

As the result of a nationwide search, Roche joined ecomaine as general manager in 2004.  He has worked in the field of solid waste management since 1988.  His experience includes positions as the Director of Solid Waste for Broome County (New York), Materials Recovery Administrator for the City of Glendale (Arizona), Manager for Metro Waste (Rochester, NY), Owner of MRF, Inc., a recycling facility in Rochester, New York, and Solid Waste Coordinator for both Monroe County and the City of Rochester (New York).

ecomaine is a non-profit waste management company owned and operated by 21 municipalities in Southern Maine.  ecomaine provides comprehensive long-term solid waste solutions in a safe, environmentally responsible, economically sound manner, and is a leader in raising public awareness of sustainable waste management strategies.

Posted on Friday, March 14th, 2014 and filed under Show Recaps.