Show 157: CEO of Girl Scouts of Maine Joanne Crepeau

Show Information

Show: 157
Air date: Saturday, 12 December 2015
Guest: Joanne Crepeau
Host: Steve Woods (Stevoe)
Executive Producer: Emily Sullivan (Sully)

Joanne Crepeau has been a Mainer her whole life. She has also been a girl scout her whole life. With a career background in non-profit management, she seemed like the perfect fit to lead the Girl Scouts of Maine when the position became available in 2003. Since then, she has been leading the group of 14,000 members.

Host of TideSmart Talk with Stevoe, Steve Woods, welcomed CEO of Girl Scouts of Maine, Joanne Crepeau (at right).

Host of TideSmart Talk with Stevoe, Steve Woods, welcomed CEO of Girl Scouts of Maine, Joanne Crepeau (at right).

Crepeau believes that girls face “unique challenges.” Women’s role in society has changed so drastically since the organization’s inception in 1912 and Girl Scouts has worked to keep up with the ever changing needs of girls today. While learning about the outdoors is still part of the program, community involvement and teamwork is also stressed. As an organization, Girl Scouts of America has started fostering more STEM-focused (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experiences. They are also starting to push “non-traditional” goals, such as digital cookie sales.

Most troops in Maine now have the capability to utilize a digital platform when selling cookies this season. While Crepeau says they’re not encouraging the scouts to use digital instead of person-to-person sales, it does teach the girls how to manage sales and inventory, business ethics, and how to market their products online.

Girl Scouts only sell cookies three months out of the year (January – March). Although they are now selling cookies online, you must still purchase from a specific scout or troop during this period. According to Crepeau, Thin Mints are the most popular Girl Scout cookie and the second most sold cookie in America (behind Oreos and Thin Mints are only sold three months of the year!).

The Girl Scouts of Maine is always looking for adult volunteers. There are currently more than 1,000 girls in Maine (and 30,000 nationwide) waiting to join a troop, but are unable due to the lack of volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or you know a girl who is looking to join a troop, you can visit

Posted on Wednesday, December 30th, 2015 and filed under Show Recaps.